Loneliness – It’s What Happens When They Grow Up


Children now grown up.
Mindful of the time we spent
Playing together.

I just love the emotions involved in this photo. It’s so full of memories, happy and sad. It’s a reminder that children don’t stay young, forever.

Originally, I titled this photo, Neglect. But I now like to think of it as Loneliness because it tells a story of having been a best friend, now abandoned in favour of more important interests.

Well. Almost abandoned. The spiders found a good home there! And the contrast between the spiders’ webs and the man-made netting is a treat.

Enjoy your children while you can. Treasure the time that you have with them. There will be plenty of time for your career once they leave home. At least, there’ll be a little time until the grandchildren come along.

And then you can re-live those days all over again.

19 thoughts on “Loneliness – It’s What Happens When They Grow Up

  1. One of life’s most bitter lessons if not learnt early…the children are there for only a short time. Sure they may come back to visit, if there was that companionship. Well written!


  2. i love this picture michael, it shows the transition that happens over time in all of life, one thing moves on and turns into another. life is ever-evolving, including our children, and it is important to be present in those moments.


  3. This is so true. My daughter is 20 and it just seems like yesterday and playing with dolls and being a little girl. I do love it though that sometimes I catch a glimpse of the little girl and it brings back such lovely memories. I love your work! 🙂


    1. Thank you, Michelle. This belonged to my youngest. When he was born, I promised myself that, since he would be the last, I would spend even more time on him. Yet it’s amazing how quickly time passes.


  4. what a beautiful and heartfelt post. I never had children but I can imagine the ache when they leave home.

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