Relentless Pleasure


Relentless raindrops
Washing down my window pane.
Bird conversations.

Sufficient to meet
The needs of daily living.
Birds ask nothing more.

Sitting, watching rain.
Listening to the happy birds.
Relentless pleasure.

17 thoughts on “Relentless Pleasure

  1. A trifecta of haiku perfection! Outstanding, Michael! This brought back many wonderful memories of a little boy who wanted to go outside and play but who liked to watch the rain “play” on the kitchen window even more. Thank you!



  2. Michael, thank you so much for your testifying to the greatness of AshiAkira’s haiku! I read many, many of them but knew I would “follow” after reading only one or two. “Magnificent” is too pale a word.



    1. Hi Errin. Sadly, self-hosted blogs only allow email follows. You have to click on the button on the right hand side. As a WordPress user it will use your WordPress email. I don’t like the idea but I can’t see another way at the moment.


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