Ten Ways to Tell that You’ve Had a Successful Summer Recess

You know you’ve had a successful summer recess when:

1. You spent less time in the emergency room this year than last year
2. Your house looks like Genghis Khan rode through
3. You have bright, shiny new graffiti on your walls
4. Your laundry is threatening to break out of the laundry room
5. You still can’t find where that smell is coming from
6. Your cupboards are bare
7. Your neighbours are still talking to you
8. You managed to put together an acceptable school uniform
9. You opened your last jar of coffee on the day they went back to school
10. And despite all that, all you can think about is going back to bed to catch up on some sleep!

Congratulations. You’re a survivor.

Holding On

Ivy Rough Terrain

With the pressure cracks appearing
Where the stress is brought to bear
As the heat begins increasing
And there’s tension in the air

The expansion joints are suff’ring
And decisions must be made
Do we need to start explaining
Why we aren’t prepared to trade

Are there insults in our future?
Or will difficulties rise?
No, we will remain united
I can see it in your eyes

So we sit in meditation
On the troubles we’ve been through
And despite the opposition
We know what we have to do

It may be that this decision
Isn’t one we want to make
But we’ll act with dedication
And we will not ever flake

And with all our good intentions
We are standing proud and tall
We are standing here for justice
Knowing truth will conquer all